3_elementi_array, M0MCX |
1/4 Wave HF Multiband Vertical for 40 - 10 Meters |
80/40m Vertical, EI7BA |
80m full size 1/4 wave GPA, ON7EQ |
A Home Brew HF Vertical From Copper Pipe |
A Practical 5-Band Homebrew Wire Beam, N4KC |
A quarter wavelength for 40 meters, W7KF |
Antena vertical con plano de tierra, EA7LY |
Antena Vertical de HF 1/4 lambda 20m, EB5EKT |
Antena vertical para 3,6 y 7 Mhz, LU9DPD |
Antenna for DX Low Bands |
Antenna da 1.8 a 28 mhZ, IU4ATH |
Antenna multibanda portatile, IZ2FNI |
Antenna multibanda verticale Portatile, IQ5DY |
Antenna verticale multibanda a presa calcolata |
Antennas for 136kHz, ON7YD |
Antennas for the march work |
Antennas sloper |
Antenne Verticali, I6NOA |
Antenne vertical 7 mhz, KD8JHJ |
BigIR MK III Vertical with 80 meter coil, WA0SXV |
Butternut HF2V 40/80 Meter Vertical |
Butternut HF2V Ground Plane antenna Hints + 160mt kit, IC8POF |
Butternut HF2V 80 and 40 meter modifying, KI8R |
Butternut HF9V, IK5XCT |
Compact 4-SQUARE 40m Antenna, EA5AVL |
DF Antenna Arrays, KA7OEI |
End Feed Half Wave verticale, IZ0HCC |
Fisher’s Whip, IK0RKS |
Four square phased verticals |
GP for 40, 80 and 160 meters, DL2BWH |
Home Brew 80/40 Meter Vertical Antenna, N2RIT |
Installation 5BTV ground mounted with radials |
Mono band antenna on 40 meters, W4SUL |
MicroVert Antennas, DK5AI |
Multiband Semi-Helical Inverted L Vertical |
Opposite Voltages Fed Two Element Array OH1TV |
Stealth Multiband Vertical 40-80mt, N3OX |
Screwdriver antenna basic, KJ4SLY |
Single 5/8 Flower Pot Antenna, VK2ZOI |
Self's building of a HF2V, vertical antenna for 40 and 80m |
Semi-vertical Trap Antenna for 1·8 MHz, 3·5MHz and 7·0MHz |
Short Vertical Antennas for 3 bands |
SteppIR BigIR Vertical Antenna Assembly & Installation |
T2LT for the 10m Band |
The Gamma-matched ground plane |
Three Meter Flex Vertical for 40 meter, N3OX |
Vertical HF2V, OZ9AEC |
Vertical Shakespeare Marine, IW0HK |
Vertical sloping dipole, DK7ZB |
Vertical fishingrod antenna |
Verticale in fibra per gli 80mt |
verticale bande alte, IK4PKK |
Verticale pour les bandes 80, 40 et 30m et 160m, F6IRF |
Verticale senza trappole 14_21_28 without traps |
Verticale_40-20-15-10 only 3mt, DL3HCV |
Vertikál Delta 6B GP |
Why Are Vertical Antennas Noisy?, VK2ZRM |