432 MHz Low Noise Preamplifier for Moonbounce
A very low noise preamplifier as described here is an essential must
post 08 Mar 2024
Preamplifiers Links →
144 & 432 MHz High IIP3 LNAs
When I first saw the article in Dubus 1/2002, I was very impressed with the data and quality of the construction. I managed to get hold of one of PA3BIY, Peter's PCBs, and built an LNA more or less from his description
144 MHz preamplifier with BF981
Using a mosfet bf981 from philips to give more than 20 db gain with around 1 db noise figure on 2 meter
432 MHz Low Noise Preamplifier for Moonbounce
A very low noise preamplifier as described here is an essential must
160 and 80m preamplifier
Here are some hints and tips for building a high performance antenna preamplifier for the 160 and 80m bands
When I first saw the article in Dubus 1/2002, I was very impressed with the data and quality of the construction. I managed to get hold of one of PA3BIY, Peter's PCBs, and built an LNA more or less from his description
Using a mosfet bf981 from philips to give more than 20 db gain with around 1 db noise figure on 2 meter
A very low noise preamplifier as described here is an essential must
Here are some hints and tips for building a high performance antenna preamplifier for the 160 and 80m bands
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62