
Compact Full Sized J-Pole

Compact Full Sized J-Pole

I propped it up in the living room and put it on the air with 45 watts, my worst SWR is 1.6 and that’s in the very top of 2 meter

post 06 Dec 2024

Antenna jpole Links


Antena OSJ dual band VHF / UHF com um cabo
It consists of a half-wave dipole element, which instead of being fed from the center as is more common is fed from one end in this case, the bottom

Antenne en J alimentee par un cable coaxial
Like the model supplied by a two-wire line, it consists of a radiating element of half-wave length attacked at its lower end by a quarter-wave line

J-antenna supplied by a two-wire line
The J antenna, so called because of its shape, is generally used on 2m and 70cm, even 23 cm and 6m

Antenne verticale VHF Slim-Jim
The Slim-Jim vertical antenna is of the 1/2 wave type supplied at the end end fed and therefore does not require a ground plane unlike a 1/4 wave type antenna

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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