Antenna sloper per 80/160 lunghr solo m. 17,50
Ho fatto una trappola per gli 80mt con del filo di 2 mm avvolgendo 40 spire su un diam. di 50 mm e spaziate 3 mm interponendo
un condensatore da 100Pf 10 kv. Fatti gli accordi per gli 80, ho aggiunto circa 12 mt di filo e ho fatto Fatti gli accordi per gli 80, ho aggiunto circa 12 mt di filo e ho fatto risuonare il tutto sui 160 mt
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna 80 meter Links →
Portable Vertical Antenna for 75m & 40
Designing the Antenna for 3.8 MHz With a regular vertical: 62 ft. mast is required Too long Radial length 60 ft. Too long Use a telescopic mast, 27 ft.and a 3 wire umbrella on top Radial length 27 ft. Same as vertical radiator height
Frame receiving antenna 80 m
In the construction of the magnetic frame antenna and its impedance match with the preamplifier, a PSV standing wave ratio of less than 1: 2.5 was obtained
Vertical 80m balloon antenna
The antenna could not be simpler - 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength of thin copper wire I used 35 SWG enamalled copper wire. This amounts to 20 or 40m of wire
Designing the Antenna for 3.8 MHz With a regular vertical: 62 ft. mast is required Too long Radial length 60 ft. Too long Use a telescopic mast, 27 ft.and a 3 wire umbrella on top Radial length 27 ft. Same as vertical radiator height
In the construction of the magnetic frame antenna and its impedance match with the preamplifier, a PSV standing wave ratio of less than 1: 2.5 was obtained
The antenna could not be simpler - 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength of thin copper wire I used 35 SWG enamalled copper wire. This amounts to 20 or 40m of wire
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62