3 element Yagi antenna
3 element Yagi antenna 50-MHz 3 elementi
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
Einfache DeltaLoop fur 6m
The circumference of the loop is 6,1m wire. Connected in this way, it is vertically polarized
Hentenna for the 6m band
The Hentenna performs better than my commercial Al-pipe dipole. Moreover it is easier to transport and/or store anyway
L'antenne 6M
A double dipole fixed on a boom in the shape of H, which I will call cell. Each element 2 per cell is controlled by gamma match synchronized using a phase shift line
Six element antenna for the 50 MHz
Six element antenna. Gain is about 0,6 dB higher, but the main optimization is the front/back ratio
The circumference of the loop is 6,1m wire. Connected in this way, it is vertically polarized
The Hentenna performs better than my commercial Al-pipe dipole. Moreover it is easier to transport and/or store anyway
A double dipole fixed on a boom in the shape of H, which I will call cell. Each element 2 per cell is controlled by gamma match synchronized using a phase shift line
Six element antenna. Gain is about 0,6 dB higher, but the main optimization is the front/back ratio